613-969-8862 | 1-866-340-0899 brendas@viq.ca

The City of Quinte West will be hosting the 2024Canada Soccer Toyota National Championships- U15 Cup and we are proud to be recruiting VOLUNTEERS!

The Local Organizing Committee is beginning to prepare for this week long tournament that will take place at Centennial Park in Quinte West Thanksgiving 2024 (Oct 4-9, 2024).

We are looking for a number of volunteers to help us host both the U15 Men and U15 Women’s divisions in roles including:   

    Team Hosts, Committee Members, Site Hosts, Runners, Ball Retrievers, and many more…….

INTEREST in learning more?  Follow the link below and complete a Volunteer Expression of Interest and we will keep you updated on roles, schedules and exciting promotions.


Have any questions or if you are looking for more info? Please reach out to Tracey Legault-Davis at traceyld@viq.ca


Empire Rockfest 24 – July 18, 19,& 20

We are excited to support the Empire Rockfest with both volunteer recruitment and on-site support for the this years event.

If you would like to join us, we are looking for ushers, front gate volunteers and bartenders (Smart Serve required).  

To join us, complete the volunteer opportunity on our database: 

   Rockfest Volunteer Application


Watch for VIQ in your community!

VIQ is very active in our community and is proud to partner with other agencies and events to both recruit, train, and help with organization and fulfillment of the event. 

VIQ has been a part of:

  • Volunteer Presentations and Fairs for the community and schools.
  • BBBSHPE Ribfest
  • Canadian Rural Innovation Submit
  • Operation Stand Proud
  • Dudley Hewitt Cup
  • 2016 IFF U19 Women’s World Floorball Championships
  • And many more local events!

For more information please contact our office at 613-969-8862.